Help support us!

As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Six Degree Singers relies on your support to make our music possible.

Any donation you can send our way is very important to us and is always received with our deepest and most heartfelt thanks. But why stop there? We like to show our thanks by offering limited time perks and benefits to our supporters.

Degree Supporter ($25.00 to $99.99): Donors at this level will be listed in the program for our next concert.

Degree Supporter ($100.00 to $249.99): Donors at this level will be listed in our concert programs for the next two concerts.

Degree Supporter ($250.00 to $999.99): Donors at this level will be listed in our concert programs for the next three concerts, will receive an invitation to a VIP reception with the choir, as well as three complimentary tickets for the next concert.

Degree Supporter ($1,000.00 to $2,499.99): Donors at this level will be listed in our concert programs for the next four concerts and will receive an invitation to a VIP reception with the choir, as well as four complimentary tickets to our concerts for the next two concerts. Business will receive a thank you on our social media pages.

Degree Supporter ($2,500 to $4,999.99): Donors at this level will be listed in our concert programs for the next five concerts and will receive five complimentary tickets for the next three concerts, an invitation to a VIP reception with the choir, and lunch with the Artistic Director. Donors at this level will be invited to attend a rehearsal and meet with choir members. Businesses will receive a thank you on our social media pages and have their logo and website linked on our website homepage for the next year.

Degree Supporter ($5,000.00 and up): Donors at this level will be listed in our concert programs for the next six concerts and will receive six complimentary tickets for the next six concerts, an invitation to a VIP reception with the choir, and lunch with the Artistic Director. Donors at this level will be invited to attend a rehearsal and meet with choir members. Businesses will receive a thank you on social media, and have their logo and website linked on our website homepage for the next two years. They will also receive a complimentary performance from the Six Degree Singers at their home or office gathering.


If you'd prefer, you can also donate to SDS securely through PayPal!